Go Green and Save Money
October 6, 2008 - Make sure you like EcoJoes on Facebook to stay updated on green ways to save money and help the environment. Just click the "like" button below. Muchas gracias!
Welp, nowadays everyone is talking about “going green”, to the point where people (including me) just start ignoring them. How about we pause for a moment and forget about buying expensive hybrids or carbon credits (dubious if those work) and focus on how to save money by going green.
Go Green and Save Money in the Bathroom
- Navy shower – conserve water, use less electricity for hot water, and save money
- Turn off the water when you brush your teeth – You’ll save gallons of water each day if you follow this easy tip, assuming you brush your teeth.
- Clean and dry off your razor – This makes your razor stay sharp for many moons, and saves money by not having to buy new razors.
Go Green and Save Money on Your House
- Insulate your home – This will let you use your air conditioning less in the summer, and your heater less in the winter. Saves money and helps the environment.
- Turn off air conditioner, and open windows – If you do this on nice days, you can lower your energy use AND save some money
- Reuse construction materials for projects – You’ll save money by reusing old materials, and be “going green” by finding new uses for old mess instead of throwing it away.
Go Green and Save Money on Special Events
- Throw a green Super Bowl party – online invitations save money and paper, use reusable decorations, etc.
- Go vegetarian – I admit, I don’t do this step. But if I did, I’d be saving money and lowering my eco-footprint at the same time.
- Have event outside – this should save you money on lighting and air conditioning, plus you’ll be using less energy. Huzzah!
That about wraps it up. There are many other ways to go green and save money, but really, all the things I mentioned just involve small changes that will help the environment and your wallet. So next time you want to save some money, por favor, go green.
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