Contest for Free Okabashi Sandals

November 12, 2011 - Make sure you like EcoJoes on Facebook to stay updated on green ways to save money and help the environment. Just click the "like" button below. Muchas gracias!

If you haven’t heard the word about the dandy recycled sandals Okabashi is making, pause for a moment and go check out that splendidly-worded article. I’ll be sitting here, waiting.

Recycled plastic sandals

Back already? Did you even read that? Never mind, no time to argue, for it’s time to announce the

EcoJoes Recycled Sandal Giveaway

“Well what the heck is that?” you’re probably thinking. I’ll tell you what, in this easy-to-read bulleted list (ordered list, mind you).

  1. Make sure you either have a website, blog, a Facebooks, or the Twitters (sorry MySpace)
  2. Ponder what “green” aspect of your life you’re thankful you adopted. This could be an eco-friendly product, something you made yourself, or some environmentally friendly habit you’ve made your own.
  3. Feverishly write why you’re thankful about this “green” part of your life.
  4. Email me (at ecojoe AT this website) to let me know about your submission. That’s it!

All entries must be in by the day after Thanksgiving (November 25).

The winner gets this pair of large, brown Okabashi Messina sandals. Guaranteed to be comfy as heck, and made from recycled plastic.

Hurry up and get those posts coming in! Time’s a ticking…

Posted in contest, free, recycle on Saturday, November 12th, 2011 at 11:02 AM.

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