Free Organic Foot Cream Sample!!!

April 23rd, 2008 Posted in free, health, organic | No Comments » Make sure you like EcoJoes on Facebook to stay updated on green ways to save money and help the environment. Just click the "like" button below. Muchas gracias!

Moments after applying lotion

“Youch, my dry, scaly feet!” Have you said/thought this recently? Do you fancy that people make fun of your ashy, crackly, grotesquely dry feet? Dry your tears, for I am about to solve your problem…

Simply CLICK HERE to gechoself a completely free sample of organic foot cream from Gilden Tree! Here is what they have to say about their (apparently) wonderful cream:

Our Nourishing Foot Cream is an organic, aloe-based formula that’s intensely moisturizing and softening. It nurtures feet naturally and we think it’s the best foot cream made.

Well hot dang, if that didn’t convince you to try it, then nothing will. I’m looking forward to rubbing a whole bunch of free organic foot cream all over my feet, wahoo.

Organic Natural Hippy Protein Bars

April 21st, 2008 Posted in food, green living, health, organic, projects, save money | 5 Comments » Make sure you like EcoJoes on Facebook to stay updated on green ways to save money and help the environment. Just click the "like" button below. Muchas gracias!

There you stand, in the grocery store, wishing that you had enough money to get you some of those crazy expensive protein bars. Sadly, you turn away, lamenting your puny muscles, wishing that there was some way to get protein bars without all the extra packaging and high prices. Well pay attention, for here is how to…

Make Your Own Protein Bars

Thanks to Krista’s protein bar recipe, I was able to make some protein bars of my own. Follow along with this picture essay, and you will learn the secrets of how to make some cheap, homemade protein bars.Here are the ingredients. If you want to use some eco-friendly protein powder, or organic bananas, or what have you, then by all means do. I opted for the cheapest ingredients for this demonstration.

  • Banana
  • Whey protein
  • Oats
  • Peanut butter
  • Raw Peanuts (optional)

4 easy ingredients

The Green Bike

January 17th, 2008 Posted in bike, eco hero, electric, health, off the grid, projects | No Comments » Make sure you like EcoJoes on Facebook to stay updated on green ways to save money and help the environment. Just click the "like" button below. Muchas gracias!

A Shocking StoryLast spring, two of my friends went to work building a bicycle generator. They slaved away on it for literally a couple days, but eventually it was ready to be tested. Me and Tiff stopped by for this special occasion; Thanh and Billy had hooked up the bike generator to a lamp. All we needed was a volunteer to ride the electrical monstrosity. After a moment of trepidation, I bravely stepped forward to offer my bike pedaling services, and as night fell in the thriving metropolis of Raleigh, I began pedaling…

Amazingly, it did not explode in a deadly shower of sparks. It worked. We had invented… ELECTRICITY. As that realization hit us, Captain Planet flew into the room, and everybody high-fived. It was awesome.Update: WRAL is going to put this on the news. The bad news is that we have to put the bike generator back together, as it’s been through some mess since last May.

Pack Your Lunch and Save Money and the Environment

December 27th, 2007 Posted in eco footprint, food, health, reusing, save money | No Comments » Make sure you like EcoJoes on Facebook to stay updated on green ways to save money and help the environment. Just click the "like" button below. Muchas gracias!

Pack your lunch and save moneyIt’s weird that so many students pack their lunches almost every day, but when they grow up and enter the good ol’ workforce, they pretty much stop packing their lunch. Most people do this because they say it’s more convenient than packing their own lunch. But if they stop and think about it, there are several great reasons to bring your lunch to work with you.

Bag Lunches Are Healthier

Many restaurants offer lunches with tons of meat and grease. There is nothing wrong with this occasionally. But when fast food starts becoming your normal lunch, your health will take a hurting. When you pack your own lunch, you can put in tons of vegetables, fruits, and other such healthy mess. Remember: packing your own lunch = getting your own six-pack.

Save Money

Unless you want to “take all of your money [and] give it up to charity”, you probably want more money. Packing your lunch is a great way to save money. Instead of spending $6-$10 on lunch, you can spend way less than that by packing yourself a sandwich and some fruit and vegetables. Plus, you will be saving money on gas, which brings means that you can also

Help the Environment

That’s right folks, by bringing a bag lunch, you will not only be getting healthier and saving money, you will be helping out Mother Earth. Less driving = less gas = less pollution. Plus, if you pack your lunch in a reusable bag, you’ll be cutting down on your waste.

So there you have it. If you want to save money, help Captain Planet, AND stay healthy, just pack yourself a bag lunch and bah-bam, you are achieving all three of those goals. So go home tonight and try it, and you’ll thank yourself tomorrow at lunchtime (unless you made a really bad lunch).