Quit Smoking Cigarettes and Save Money, Trees, and Life

August 16th, 2014 Posted in eco footprint, health | 4 Comments » Make sure you like EcoJoes on Facebook to stay updated on green ways to save money and help the environment. Just click the "like" button below. Muchas gracias!

Are you a smoker? Do you know a smoker? Looking for even more reasons to quit smoking cigarettes (or “fags”, as the Brits are wont to say)?

Since you’ve probably heard all about the horrible ways cigarettes can crush your health (and your wallet!), I’ll focus on some environmental reasons to stop smoking. If you won’t quit for yourself, maybe you’ll quit for good ol’ Mother Nature?

Don’t be like Mrs. Mac; quit smoking today!
Stop smoking now

At least 4.5 trillion non-biodegradable filter-tipped cigarettes are smoked and tossed out every single year.

600 million trees are chopped down and used each year just to dry out the tobacco, and cigarette machines use almost 4 miles of paper every single hour. Holy cow that’s READ MORE »

Easy Tomato Basil Bruschetta Recipe from the Garden

August 2nd, 2014 Posted in food, gardening, green living, health, organic | 13 Comments » Make sure you like EcoJoes on Facebook to stay updated on green ways to save money and help the environment. Just click the "like" button below. Muchas gracias!

If you’ve got a garden and are lucky enough to be growing tomatoes and basil, then you’ve basically got a ready-made, organic, honest-to-goodness snack sitting in your garden! Bruschetta is a tasty-as-heck, healthy snack, and is as easy to make as 1-2-3.

Here’s all you have to do to make deliciosa tomato basil bruschetta, along with a pro-tip to take your new tomato basil bruschetta to the next level!

Step 1: Obtain tomato

Bam! Fresh-picked maters straight from the garden!
Fresh picked tomatoes from the garden

Step 2: READ MORE »

Keeping My Grill Clean with Tom’s of Maine Toothpaste

May 17th, 2014 Posted in cleaning, green business, health | 3 Comments » Make sure you like EcoJoes on Facebook to stay updated on green ways to save money and help the environment. Just click the "like" button below. Muchas gracias!

Alright, sit on down. I’ve got another confession to make. For just about my whole life… I’ve been an avid toothbrusher. *shocked gasps from audience*

Yes, it’s true *speaking loudly over crowd booing*. You might know some others who brush their teeth from time to time. I know a lot of people might be ashamed of it, but I’m gonna stand up and proudly admit to my brushing o’ the teeth.

Now that I’ve got that out of the way, lemme rap at you about a toothpaste goes by the name of Tom’s of Maine. I’ve recently had the pleasure of brushing my teeth with this fine toothpaste, and have no complaints. I’ve been using the “Clean Mint” variety, as seen rotch hur:

Tom's of Maine Clean Mint Toothpaste


Organic Leaf Powder fo’ yo’ Water

April 19th, 2014 Posted in food, health, plants, water | 6 Comments » Make sure you like EcoJoes on Facebook to stay updated on green ways to save money and help the environment. Just click the "like" button below. Muchas gracias!

Ever get a hankering for a nice cool drink, but the plain old water from your homemade rain barrel just won’t cut it? Would you like a kick of antioxidants as well as a slew of precious vitamins n’ minerals?

Then might I humbly suggest trying some Organic India Moringa Leaf Powder. “Leaf powder”, I hear you axing, “What the blazes is that?”

It’s exactly what it sounds like, ground up Moringa leaves. Now, good ol’ WebMD says that the Moringa leaf is full of antioxidants and helpful vitamins and minerals. So I decided to give it a shot.

Tasty swamp water

The Moringa leaf powder container says to mix 1/2 teaspoon with water, so like a good little sheep I followed directions and did just that. It turns the drink an appetizing color reminiscent of swamp water, or a mini world in a jar.

The taste is not bad; I could see it growing on me. It tastes sort of like yerba mate, the lovable herbal tea de Uruguay and regions thereabouts.

I was impressed to see the “USDA Organic” label on the container, but a bit saddened to see that their claim to “restore your imbalances” had not been evaluated by the FDA. My imbalances felt quite restored after chugging a glass of this stuff.

If you’re looking for an organic, healthy way to spice up your water, I’d say to give this Moringa leaf powder a shot. It only takes 1/2 a teaspoon per glass, so one container will last a loooong time,

A final word to the wise: it was a bit concerning to find some Internet web-pages putting Organic India down for poor quality standards. Basically, just because something is “certified organic” doesn’t mean that it’s 100% pure and free from contaminants. This goes for all organic food and dranks, so watch your back out there.

Super Healthy Banana Oat Cookie Recipe

March 16th, 2014 Posted in food, health | 2 Comments » Make sure you like EcoJoes on Facebook to stay updated on green ways to save money and help the environment. Just click the "like" button below. Muchas gracias!

Sometimes as I’m flexing in the mirror at the gym, desperately bulging my veins out of my “swole” arms and hoping other people are watching admiringly to feed my insecure ego, I fight back tears as a sudden urge for cookies flashes through my mind. How can I get healthy, cheap, eco-friendly, organic cookies?

Lo, late last year I found out about this crazy easy, healthy, quick recipe for banana oat cookies. “Egad”, I thought, “I have to share this recipe with todo el mundo.” And that’s just what I’ll do, without further ado.

Healthy Banana Oat Cookie Recipe

Oats n' bananas
* 1 cup oats (for extra green points, use some local, organic oats)
* 2 bananas

Now, don’t be confused… in this picture, I used a double recipe (4 bananas and 2 cups o’ oats).

This is a great way to use old, ripe bananas, or frozen bananas. If using frozen bananas, make sure to peel the bananas before freezing them!


Hey, Joe–Re: recipe on EcoJoes: there is NO NEED to peel bananas before freezing!!!! In fact, freezing them in their little “nature-jackets” protects them without one having to use a PLASTIC BAG. Just remove from freezer, microwave about 50 sec., slit them from gullet to “other end,” and squeeze out the contents.

Banana Oat Cookie Embryo
Using my aforementioned bulging muscles, I mushed the bananas and oats together, ’til it looked like this:

Okay, you’re about done! At this point you can mix in any amount of fixin’s; use your imagination! Por ejemplo, you could mix in:
* Peanuts, walnuts, almonds
* Raisins, craisins
* Coconut, chocolate chips, lil’ pieces of bacon

Once you’re satisfied with your mix-ins,
1) Form the mush into balls about the size of golf balls
2) Put them on a greased cookie sheet
3) Pop that bad boy into an oven and cook at 350° F for 12-15 minutes.

That’s it, you’re done! Now you can enjoy some of the easiest to make, healthiest cookies ever, with that distinctive banana tang and oat goodness.

One-Ingredient “Ice Cream”

February 23rd, 2014 Posted in food, health, organic, vegan | 2 Comments » Make sure you like EcoJoes on Facebook to stay updated on green ways to save money and help the environment. Just click the "like" button below. Muchas gracias!

If you’re like most folks in today’s dog-eat-dog, hustle-n-bustle world, you like to take a break every once in a while for some tasty iced cream. But you probably know that standard ice cream, while delicious, is not nutritious.

Also, you have to break the bank to get some store-bought ice cream that traveled hundreds (perchance even thousands!) of miles to get to you. So what’s the eco-savvy, cheap frugal hu-man to do when they get a craving for that frozen goodness?

I’ll tell you what. You just buck up, grab some ripe nanners, and follow this super easy recipe for homemade, organic, vegan, healthy ice creamsorbet!

Through the magic of frozen bananas, you should end up with a delectable dessert resembling this:
Sad bowl of blended frozen bananas

One-Ingredient “Ice Cream”
(AKA World’s Easiest Sorbet) Recipe

1) Chuck 4-5 ripe bananas into the freezer.
2) Once they’re frozen, throw them into a food processor (or good blender) and blend them like your life depended on it.

Makes two manly-sized servings.

That’s it! You’ll be sure to “go ape” for this! *runs off stage as crowd boos*

Free Organic Hand Sanitizer from Shaw Springs

May 1st, 2011 Posted in cleaning, free, health, organic | No Comments » Make sure you like EcoJoes on Facebook to stay updated on green ways to save money and help the environment. Just click the "like" button below. Muchas gracias!

“Alright, time for a sammitch break. I sure can’t wait to shove this tasty vittle down my gaping maw.”
Grubby hands with sammitch
Woah woah woah! Are you forilla about to eat that sammitch like that?

How about you use some organic hand sanitizer first? Not only is it organic, but it’s free, so price is no issue.

How do you get it, you ask? Just click THIS HERE LINK (THIS ONE), fill out the form at the bottom o’ the page, and you’re on your way to clean hands and safe sammitch-eating time. Don’t thank me, thank Shaw Springs.