How to Recycle Electronics in Durham: Triangle Ecycling

February 10th, 2015 Posted in computers, eco hero, green business, recycle | 8 Comments » Make sure you like EcoJoes on Facebook to stay updated on green ways to save money and help the environment. Just click the "like" button below. Muchas gracias!

Last weekend, I replaced the logic board of my ol’ trusty Macbook Pro. And lo, once it had risen from the ashes like the majestic Phoenix, I pondered what to do with the old, broken logic board. I didn’t want my computer part to end up in the landfill; but I wondered how to recycle electronics in Durham?

Old Macbook Pro Logic Board

How could I recycle my electronics in Durham (Durham, North Carolina, that is, not Canada)?

Triangle Ecycling

Triangle Ecycling Learning Center
Luckily, right next to my work is Triangle Ecycling, a great place to recycle computers, radios, phones, printers — heck, almost ANY used electronics (here’s a list of the electronics they recycle).

I scampered across the street to the Triangle Ecycling building, fearfully clutching my broken logic board in my clammy hands, playing Frogger in real life. A bead of sweat trickled down my forehead.

After making it to Triangle Ecycling, I bumped into none other than Larry Herst, CEO and founder of Triangle Ecycling. He was nice enough to take my broken electronics to recycle, and give me a quick tour of the place.

Recycling Ewaste into Education

Besides helping people recycle electronics, this place also holds classes for Durham high school students, where they’re taught how to repair computers.
Triangle Ecycling Learning Center

Not only that, but they then donate some recycled computers to Durham charities. They sell the rest of the repaired computers on eBay in order to help cover their operating costs. Very great.

Recycle Electronics, Help Durham

So if you have any old electronics that you don’t want anymore, I recommend taking them to Triangle Ecycling to be recycled. Not only will you be keeping toxic electronics out of the landfill, but you’ll be helping Durham charities, and giving high school students a chance to learn how to fix electronics through the E-Scholar Program! Win-win-win!

P.S. They might even give you a free sticker if you tell them EcoJoe sent you.

I shall close with a video about this wondrous place:

Keeping My Grill Clean with Tom’s of Maine Toothpaste

May 17th, 2014 Posted in cleaning, green business, health | 3 Comments » Make sure you like EcoJoes on Facebook to stay updated on green ways to save money and help the environment. Just click the "like" button below. Muchas gracias!

Alright, sit on down. I’ve got another confession to make. For just about my whole life… I’ve been an avid toothbrusher. *shocked gasps from audience*

Yes, it’s true *speaking loudly over crowd booing*. You might know some others who brush their teeth from time to time. I know a lot of people might be ashamed of it, but I’m gonna stand up and proudly admit to my brushing o’ the teeth.

Now that I’ve got that out of the way, lemme rap at you about a toothpaste goes by the name of Tom’s of Maine. I’ve recently had the pleasure of brushing my teeth with this fine toothpaste, and have no complaints. I’ve been using the “Clean Mint” variety, as seen rotch hur:

Tom's of Maine Clean Mint Toothpaste


Help Your Compost with Used Coffee Grounds from Starbucks

April 8th, 2014 Posted in free, gardening, green business, plants, save money | 4 Comments » Make sure you like EcoJoes on Facebook to stay updated on green ways to save money and help the environment. Just click the "like" button below. Muchas gracias!

Starbucks, that lovable, local mom-n’-pop coffee shop, goes through literally ‘uge amounts of coffee every day. Instead of chucking the used coffee grounds away to waste space in a landfill, they fill up 5-pound bags and let you take the grounds home to help out your compost and/or garden! How boss is that?

As an added moneysaver, you can rebrew some coffee with the old grounds! Enjoy your free weak brew as you chuckle at the thought of ever paying for coffee again!

Bag of used coffee grounds

The nitrogen from the used coffee grounds is a real kickstarter for your compost and garden. Nitrogen is a major fertilizer for crops, and your plants will react to it much as Popeye reacts to spinach.

It’s worth noting that TOO much nitrogen can cause nitrogen burn in your plants, so I don’t recommend planting your garden in pure coffee grounds. If you do though, and it works, let me know, por favor!

The one bad thing about this program is Starbucks doesn’t reuse their bags. I have no idea why; they’re pretty durable, and they’re basically just putting trash in them. C’mon Starbucks, take that next step and reuse the bags if people bring them in!

So next time you’re trudging past a Starbucks, stop in and see if they have any of their big bags of used coffee grounds. Tell them EcoJoe sent you, they’ll know what you’re there for.

Eco-Friendly Burgers and Beer at Bull City Burger and Brewery

March 17th, 2013 Posted in eco footprint, food, green business | 2 Comments » Make sure you like EcoJoes on Facebook to stay updated on green ways to save money and help the environment. Just click the "like" button below. Muchas gracias!

Hello? Is anyone here? Ugh, look at all these cobwebs on this website. It looks like it hasn’t been touched in over 3 months

Wait, what’s that sound? Did you hear that? Hello? Hell– AAAHHH *crazed, bedraggled EcoJoe rushes up out of the darkness*

Hello there! And welcome to EcoJoes dot com! Say, do you ever get a hankering for some locally-raised, newly-ground hamburgers on fresh-baked buns? Well have I got a treat for you.

Bull City Burger and Brewery is a locally owned, independent burgershop n’ brewery located in “The City of Medicine”, Durham, NC.

BCBB Counter

Local Food

Not only is most of their food from North Carolina farms READ MORE »

Okabashi Sandals Made of Recycled Sandals

April 16th, 2011 Posted in green business, reusing | No Comments » Make sure you like EcoJoes on Facebook to stay updated on green ways to save money and help the environment. Just click the "like" button below. Muchas gracias!

Update: See bottom of post for stunning conclusion!

Are your current sandals falling apart, barely holding together, but your eco-conscience won’t let you throw them away and get some new sandals? Partner, you’re in luck, because Okabashi Brands just happens to make eco-friendly sandals from recycled shoes!

Who is Okabashi? Welp, they’re a small company in Buford, Georgia, that takes in old used sandals and shoes, and recycles/reuses them to make new sandals.

They found the kindness and pity in their hearts to send me a pair of brown Surf men’s sandals, and let me tell you, they seriously might be the most comfy pair of sandals I’ve ever wore. Not only are they soft and have some good arch support, but they’re anti-microbial and odor resistant (which I sadly need).

The best thing is, once your sandals have finally bit the big one, Okabashi will recycle them into, you guessed it, even more sandals. So if you have some old sandals or shoes, send them on in, and they can be reused to make some brand spankin’ new sandals.

We close with a short video explaining a bit more about this elusive company.

SPOILER ALERT: It turns out this guy’s favorite Okabashi sandals are the ones I got. What a coink-idink.


After a few months of wearing my sandals around town, they suddenly broke (the little thong piece ripped in two). Devastated, I briefly considered ending it all, but instead remembered Okabashi’s two year guarantee.

Clinging to hope, I mailed in my ripped sandal, and about a week later I received, for FREE, a brand new pair of replacement sandals! Now that’s some high quality customer service, or my name ain’t EcoJoe.

Organic Spices from Teeny Tiny Spice Company

March 15th, 2011 Posted in food, green business, organic | 1 Comment » Make sure you like EcoJoes on Facebook to stay updated on green ways to save money and help the environment. Just click the "like" button below. Muchas gracias!

Almost everybody uses spices in their foods. Salt, pepper, maybe even cinnamon, for the adventurous. Even those people in Dune used spice. But what if you want some freshly ground, organic spice that’s unusual, like the elusive Persian Adwiya?

Then Teeny Tiny Spice Co. (of Vermont) has got you covered. They’re a small, family-run business that grinds their organic spices when you order them, so they arrive fresh and strong like bear. They sent me a package of their finest spices last weekend:

Not only do they offer their organic spices, but they also sent some cool recipes for said spices. READ MORE »

EcoClean Cleaners are Swell

January 25th, 2011 Posted in cleaning, green business | No Comments » Make sure you like EcoJoes on Facebook to stay updated on green ways to save money and help the environment. Just click the "like" button below. Muchas gracias!

A few weeks back, I was lucky enough to receive two samples of EcoClean non-toxic cleaners. After trying them out for awhile, I can give them a hearty thumbs up.

First, a little aside about Eco Clean; it’s a Scandinavian company that makes a variety of non-toxic, non-petro natural cleaners, most of them scented with essential oils. The cleaners are made with water, plants, and sugars, plus the bottles (and sprayheads) are 100% recyclable.

I tried out the Eco Clean Kitchen Counter Top cleaner, and the Eco Clean Glass Cleaner. Both of them worked swell, plus smelled good.

Also, their nozzles had a foaming option, if you wanted the crucial foam that strikes fear into dirt everywhere.

In short, I’d recommend checking Eco Clean out if you’re looking for some eco-friendly, great cleaners. The major downside is that they’re made in Denmark, so they have to be shipped pretty far, but besides that, they seem to be bueno for the environment.