10-minute Litter Cleanup Challenge Winner!
February 9, 2014 - Make sure you like EcoJoes on Facebook to stay updated on green ways to save money and help the environment. Just click the "like" button below. Muchas gracias!
Welp, ’twas a close race, ’twas indeed, but the first ever 10-minute Litter Cleanup Challenge is over, and it’s time to name the winner.
* takes several minutes struggling to open envelope to reveal winner *
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages… the winner is none other than the illustrious Peg Downes of Asheville, North Carolina, who sent in this picture of her accomplishment:
A hearty congratulations and “kudos” to Peg, who has shown how you can take a tiny sliver of time and make a big difference in your community! I hereby anoint her as an O-fficial Eco Hero.
Her mYsTeRy PrIzE for winning the litter cleanup challenge is a Kitchen Crop Sprouter, which will allow her to grow her own organic, ultra-local, vegan food right in her kitchen! Huzzah! Take a gander at it with your eye-balls!
Thanks for all the contest participants, and stay tuned for more challenges of various and diverse types. This is EcoJoe, signing out!